Radical Birth Keeper

Birth Trauma Healer

Wild Pregnancy Coach

Welcome Sister, to the community you’ve been seeking. Spiritually, emotionally and practically guiding and supporting your sovereign journey to motherhood.

Hi, I’m Anna and I’m a Radical Birth Keeper.

I’m here to offer companionship as you navigate what it looks like to be the authority over your own pregnancy and birth.

I work with smart, independant women who approach health and wellness with curiosity, open mindedness and who know they have sole autonomy over their own bodies.

My offerings are available online and in person in and around the Greater Stockholm area and Uppsala.


Radical Birth Keeping

Are you curious about how I can support you in your sovereign birth?


Birth Trauma Healing

Are you ready to start the healing process?

Let your voice be heard and together we shall witness your transformation.


Wild Pregnancy Coach

Are you ready to make conscious prenatal and childbirth choices?

I am here to guide you.