Birth Trauma Healing

1:1 Coaching

“Without the benefit of the ability to feel and process your grief and loss, they remain trapped within you- unable to heal, and wounding you repeatedly over time” — Amy Bammel Wilding from Wild and Wise


The birth process is a delicate hormonal web weaving it’s magic over the motherbaby dyad. 

This powerful magic quickly fades under the bright lights, gazes of strangers, constant monitoring, time constraints and even the very act of leaving your home.

When mother centered care is not honoured, when you are stripped of your rightful authority over your own birth, the birth you had envisioned can quickly dissolve leaving you feeling confused, disconnected, broken.


I welcome you to share your birth story. 

Have you ever truly shared your birth story in it’s entirety?

Do you brush over parts that don’t feel quite right?  


Were you told that you or your baby were “saved” by medical intervention but your intuition says otherwise?  


Sharing your story and being listened to by a woman not bound to the medical system can begin the healing process.   


Perhaps realising that you have deeper wounds to process you feel we have only scratched the surface. The unspoken pain that lies beneath is holding you back from healing. I will introduce the eye-opening, life transforming coaching tools in two sessions.

In the first session I will have the honour of hearing your birth story covering any pain points that come up for you.

In the second session you will be introduced to the tools that will guide you in unpacking your trauma. Naming, feeling and discovering what went wrong.


Do you feel uneasy about something that happened during the birth process?  


Were your wishes ignored? 


Was your partner unsupportive? 


Were you bullied, coerced or abused by caregivers?  


Have you suffered a pregnancy loss or hope to have more children and feel ambivilence due to a negative previous experience? 


Does your inner wisdom tell you that you deserved better? 

Healing doesn’t mean forgetting or dismissing the emotional and/or physical pain. Healing is the process of gentle understanding of yourself and brings meaning to your life. 

2 x 60 minute sessions

SEK 1300

 Mama’s feedback

I felt so confused after coming home from the hospial with my newborn baby. I didn’t know why I felt unhappy. He was here now. I had been longing for this moment for months, if not years. What’s wrong with me? Everyone in my family told me, “no one feels good after giving birth." They all had traumatic hospital births. It wasn’t until I sat with my emotions and met Anna at Turtle Goddess Birth that I was able to see and understand that birth is not meant to be traumatic. What happened to me was unnecessary abuse and trauma. It wasn´t my fault and they were wrong. That was empowering to learn because my inner voice had been telling me that. All the guilt I had felt for not loving my postpartum wasn’t my fault! If I decide to call in another baby I’m going to do it in MY POWER! Anna can support me and you to make that come true. Just knowing this makes me feel safe and confident of a second birth!

Sofia G, Sweden

Speak your truth. 

I am here for you in love and confidentiality.