About Anna


My name is Anna. Originally from Hertfordshire, UK I have lived in Sweden since 2003.

I am many things but most importantly I am a daughter – I was born.

A sister – I know and support other women.

 A mother – I have first hand knowledge and experience of the magical journey you may wish to embark on.  

I am passionate about claiming birth as our own, women’s reproductive health, how nature influences it and the intimate relationship between mother and baby. 

I work with smart, independant women who approach health and wellness with curiosity, open mindedness and who believe they are the sole authority over their own bodies. 

I have the honour of supporting women and families wishing to explore a holistic approach to fertility, conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and beyond. I support girls on the precipice of becoming women where menarche and menstruation is an exciting time – a cause for celebration! 

I love to sit in circle with women, connecting with animals and nature, travel, eat amazing food (although I’m a sucker for a good pud!) read, draw and I sing ALL THE TIME! I love the oldies, in fact I spent the early part of my first daughter’s birth process dancing around the living room to The Very Best of Sam Cooke.

I attended the Radical Birth Keeper School alongside amazing women I now have the benefit of calling Sisters under the stunning guidance of the two most magical teachers I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing, Emilee Saldaya, of Free Birth Society fame and Yolande Norris-Clark.


If you would like to read about how my Radical Birth Keeping journey began read The Turtle Goddess story